
Spring 2024 Subject notes are notes for specific course subject codes or global notes. 这些笔记确定了课程的一般提醒.


  • CCS Chicana和Chicano研究
    CCS 190第01节作为CCS专业的顶点课程. This course is best suited to graduating CCS Majors and/or students who are within their final two semesters of undergraduate coursework and have completed or are currently enrolled in the other CCS专业必修核心课程(CCS 01、02、135、125、150、151).

    CCS 180秒03,是一个独立的研究类,提供先进的技术 & repertoire 在墨西哥民俗舞与民俗舞教学法的重点. Students enrolling in CCS/KIN 7 sec 01 and 80, and/or CCS 180 sec 03 will be expected to purchase dance shoes and a practice skirt for faldeo (skirt work); both will be needed by the 第三周教学.  

    CCS 10B第2-5部分是团队授课,你将由两人评分和评估 professors.  

    CCS 25 is cross-listed with AAS and AFAM sections are taught by CCS or AFAM faculty.

  • 儿童和青少年发展 
    Please note that the following CHAD courses require fieldwork that takes place outside of the scheduled meeting times: CHAD 60; CHAD 151; CHAD 152; CHAD 157; CHAD 158; CHAD 159; CHAD 160. 由于COVID大流行,一些实地工作可能会在虚拟/在线进行. Note that some partner organizations require students to complete a background check 并提供结核检测阴性的证明(具体要求因课程而异) and location). Please visit sjsu.Edu/chad获取更多信息,并与您的 如果你有任何疑问,可以找学术顾问.

    CHAD practica (CHAD 158; CHAD 159; CHAD 160) and the Senior Seminar (CHAD 195) are 只对即将毕业的大四学生开放.

  • CHIN Chinese
    中国1a,中国1b,中国25a & 25B(最多两门课程)可用于通用电气学分(区域 C2). 欲了解更多信息,请联系 chunhui.peng@mindique.net.

  • 计算机工程
    对于cmpe195a第一节和cmpe195b第一节,学生必须注册 this section if they meet one of the following conditions: Following the catalog prior to Fall 2014 or following a more recent catalog that is Fall 2014 or later, but would 我想开设一门3单位面积的课程S和一门3单位面积的课程V来完成你的GE面积S and V requirements. 对于CMPE 195A第2节和CMPE 195B第2节,您应该注册 对于本节,如果您正在跟踪2014年秋季或以后的最新目录 你将学习以下课程组合. cmpe195a / cmpe195b, engr 195a / engr 195B,以满足您的通用电气区域S和V的要求.

    With the exception of CMPE 295A and CMPE 294, class sections that are listed as Department 同意是由于以下两个原因之一:
    (2)课堂(或实验室)部分可以根据需要提供. Please register 在未经部门同意的实验室部分.

  • EDSE Special Education
    Meeting patterns (days/dates/times) for non-online or hybrid courses that are listed 如“TBA”,可在以下网页找到 department webpage

  • 环境研究
    Online courses: ENVS 152 is offered online with no designated day/time meeting pattern. It has one optional on-campus meeting towards the end of the semester to discuss the final exam.

    监督课程:ENVS 181,193,194和210:多个部分在 same class time. 分段数反映了不同的单元数. Check the unit 注意你要注册的部分的价值.

    To earn credit for the Center for the Development of Recycling, please enroll in 1-6 units of ENVS 193. 学生创建个人服务学习(工作)时间表 the approval of the CDR Director, in additional to four class meeting during the semester.

    根据项目的不同,参加ENVS 193的学生可能不会每周见面.

    ENVS 194的学生与课程讲师有几次同步会议.

    ENVS 144要求前往该州周围的湿地.

    ENVS 185要求学生每周在课外时间额外学习两个小时 参加政府会议,满足服务学习要求.

  • 逃离外语教育
    Must provide eligibility for FLED 285 and FLED 184Y/A through Teacher Education Office (SH 305)并满足所有先决条件. 欲了解更多信息,请致电Avizia Long (408) 924-4618, avizia.long@mindique.net.

    FLED 285 is the seminar to support teacher candidates preparing for the CalTPA Cycle 2.


  • FORL Foreign Language
    FORL100W满足菠菜网lol正规平台研究区Z的书面交流要求. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in ENGL 001B or equivalent, passing score on the Writing Skills Test (WST) or successful completion of LLD/ENGL 100A, completion of Core GE requirements, 高级级别(最少60个单位).

  • FREN French
    FREN 1A和FREN 1B可用于核心GE (C2)学分. FREN 1A,第01节是a 一年级第一学期在课堂上讲授法语基础课程.

    FREN 1A, Sections 80 and 99 are a first-year, first semester elementary French course offered fully online. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net.

    FREN 1B, Section 01 is a first-year, second-semester elementary French course taught in the classroom. FREN 1B, section 02和section 99是第一年第二学期的基础课程 网上开设法语课程. 作业和测试每周在线完成 one-hour online class. FREN 1B也可以完全在线进行,而无需在线安排 class meetings. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net.

    时间冲突备忘录可以发给希望在线学习法语的学生 当然,但是他们和其他班级有时间冲突.

    FREN 25B grammar review and writing is offered fully online and may be used for Core GE  (C2) credit. 需要参加FREN 25C的学生请联系 Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net.

    FREN 101A & FREN 101C学生需要这些课程中的任何一门都应该联系 Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net. FREN 101B高级语法和写作提供充分 online. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net.

    FREN 102B is a fully online 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies, Area V class in English with an online orientation 会议:更多信息请联系 Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net

    FREN 102C Cultural comprehension through literature and film 是完全的在线课程吗. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@mindique.net

    FREN 110 Grammatical Analysis and Introduction to Translation 是完全的在线课程吗. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jean-Luc.desalvo@mindique.net

    商务和专业沟通:培养跨文化能力 工作场所的听说/口头和书面交流是一门完全在线的课程. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jean-Luc.desalvo@mindique.net

    FREN 140B Literary and cultural comprehension through literature and film is a fully online course. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jean-Luc.desalvo@mindique.net

    FREN 160 Literary and cultural comprehension through Francophone literature and film 是完全的在线课程吗. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Jean-Luc.desalvo@mindique.net

    FREN 170翻译入门是一门完全在线的课程. For more information, contact Jean-Luc.desalvo@mindique.net 

  • GERM German
    GERM 1A & 1B and GERM 25A & 25B可用于通用电气学分(C2区). Please note that GERM 1B是初级德语的第二学期. For more information, larissa.chiriaeva@mindique.net.

  • GRK Greek
    For advising, michele.santamaria@mindique.net

  • HEBR Hebrew

  • 信息学院
    有关课程的具体细节,包括强制性Zoom课程(如果有的话)和一个 或者两个单元的上课日期请到 iSchool App. 选择学期和常规课程.

  • ITAL Italian
    ITAL 1A和ITAL 1B是为希望学习的学生开设的初级课程 Italian. 课程目标是向学生介绍意大利语的基础知识 语法,这样经过一年的学习,学生将能够翻译和 engage in texts excerpted from Italian songs or opera, rather than literature or newspaper, 只有一本语法和字典作为辅助工具. Contact michele.santamaria@mindique.net with questions.

  • JPN Japanese
    JPN 1A、JPN 1B、JPN 025A和JPN 25B(仅限两门课程)可用于GE学分 (区域C2)及JPN102B用于上海大学研究(区域V). For details contact yasue.yanai@mindique.net or michiko.uryu@mindique.net

  • LATN Latin
    For advising, michele.santamaria@mindique.net

  • PORT Portuguese
    PORT 1A和PORT 1B可用于满足C2区域的低分区GE需求. 对PORT 1X/Y和PORT的个性化学习计划感兴趣的学生 20X/Y必须在上课的第一周联系老师, duarte.pinheiro@mindique.net. Entry into intermediate studies 020A/X requires the equivalent of 001B/Y or permission of the instructor. PORT 102B和PORT 102A是用英语授课的在线课程. No 注册PORT 102A和PORT 102B的先决条件.

  • RTVF广播电视电影
     RTVF 135 (RTVF Production: Special Projects)  Digital Media and Culture - Scheduled concurrently with RTVF 185 for Spring 2024, this team teaching experience led by Drs. 李教授和Shojaei教授将向学生们传授有关角色和历史的深刻见解 数字媒体文化的意义. 根据具体情况提交作业 course you enroll in, customizing the learning experience to match your own interests and aspirations. 前提条件:rtvf20, rtvf30,高级职称或讲师 consent. 授课2小时/活动2小时,可修读6个学分 units.

    rtvf136(高级电影) & (电视制作)——创作、制作和指导 of senior-level project utilizing cinematic language, advanced technical skills, directing 才华,和叙事讲故事. 前提条件:rtvf120, rtvf130,上分区 站立或导师同意. 讲座2小时/活动2小时,3个单元.

    rtvf185 (RTVF专题)-数字媒体与文化. 同时安排 在2024年春季rtvf135,这个团队的教学经验由博士领导. Lee and Shojaei 将教学生深刻的认识的作用,历史和意义 digital media culture. 提交针对你所注册的特定课程的作业 in, customizing the learning experience to match your own interests and aspirations. 前提条件:上位师站或讲师同意,3个单位.

    所有课程的许可代码由F&T Department Office. Please contact 班主任直接接收一个班级的许可码,并请 在邮件中提供你的学生证.

  • RUSS Russian
    RUSS 1A and RUSS 1B are Elementary Level courses for students who want to learn Russian 并满足通用电气在C2地区的要求. 这些课程提供俄语的基础知识 发音模式、语法和句子结构. 学生将能够指挥 daily conversations, read simple texts and write short paragraphs on topics studied. For advising, larissa.chiriaeva@mindique.net

  • SOCI Sociology
    社会学100W是社会学专业的必修课程,也是社会学专业的必修课程 101.

    SOCI 104的先决条件是SOCI 1、SOCI 15(或SOCI 102)和SOCI 100W. SOCI 105的先决条件是SOCI 001和SOCI 100W.

    SOCI 104B has prerequisites of SOCI 1, SOCI 100W, SOCI 101 and SOCI 15(or SOCI 102), and SOCI 104. SOCI 105B的先决条件为SOCI 1、SOCI 100W、SOCI 101和SOCI 5.  

    SOCI 181B has prerequisites of SOCI 1, SOCI 100W, SOCI 101, and SOCI 104 or SOCI 105.  社会学专业要求SOCI 15(或SOCI 102).

  • SPAN Spanish
    SPAN 1A和SPAN 1B不向母语人士开放. 张成1a张成1b张成20a张成 20B, SPAN 25A, and SPAN 25B (up to two of these courses) can be used to satisfy Area C2 lower division GE requirements (Students should take a self-placement quiz to determine 在一年级和二年级的西班牙语课程中有适当的安排. Email world-languages@mindique.net for a test link).

    SPAN 4和SPAN 4B是完全在线的基础西班牙语课程. For information, email world-languages@mindique.net.

    SPAN 102B sections 01 & 02 are taught in Spanish; Section 03 is in English. All sections SPAN 102B的学分可用于菠菜网lol正规平台研究领域V的GE学分.

    Students may also take FREN 102B (which also counts for a Latin American Studies minor) 满140元方可获得上海外国语大学学术领域五学分. 登记FORL 100W; SPAN 102B, FREN 102B, and CHIN 140 requires a passing score on the WST or successful 完成ENGL 100A或LLD 100A.

    SPAN 160B/SPAN 260B Hispanic Linguistics is a variable-topic, paired undergraduate/graduate course. 有关配对课程的更多信息,请发送电子邮件 eleanor.marsh@mindique.net.

    在线授课的SPAN 132第10部分只对研究生课程的学生开放 in Library Science. 他们需要获得信息学院的同意 )报名,不开放给香港大学学生.

    SPAN 202 Seminar in Hispanic Civilization and Culture: Cultural Narratives of Climate 墨西哥的环境和墨西哥侨民. Contact cheyla.samuelson@mindique.net.

    SPAN 270 Seminar in Contemporary Literature of Spain and Spanish America: Disrupting 父权制一个词一个词的时间——女性翻译,口译员和调解员 伊比利亚和拉丁美洲. Contact vanessa.fernandez@mindique.net.

    SPAN 298 Individualized study with prior instructor agreement, for more information contact cheyla.samuelson@mindique.net

  • TA Theatre Arts
    ta117第01节的入学是为了改编乔治·奥威尔的《菠菜网lol正规平台》 由斯科特·康明斯执导,在哈默剧院演出. Enrollment in TA 117 Sec 02 is for the production of YOGA PLAY by Dipika Guha, directed by Sukanya Chakrabarti, 在哈尔·托德工作室剧院演出. 学生可以通过AUDITION注册ta117 ONLY (Dates TBA), and both sections will have fully on-campus classes and rehearsals 在现场观众面前表演. 欢迎所有专业的学生参加 to audition.

    ta121(表演史主题)的主题是亚裔美国戏剧. TA 112 (Rehearsal and Performance) is a stage adaptation of Tina Packer's Women of Will 由莎拉·凯特·安德森教授,通过试镜录取.

    所有的ta191部分都是F的三单元课程&T生产人员,是可重复的 for credit as core requirements and electives, offer flexible hours and work areas, 需要大约80小时的生产工作,欢迎所有人报名 majors. 注:选修ta191的助教必须选修ta51a、ta51b和ta51c 作为先决条件或并行课程.

    The F&T系办公室为所有课程发放许可代码. Please get in touch 和乔斯林·波拉克在乔斯林.pollack@sjsu.查询是否获得许可 代码,并请在邮件中提供您的学生号.

  • TAG Tagalog
    TAG 1A和TAG 1B可用于GE学分(区域C2). For advising, contact edith.borbon@mindique.net.

  • VIET Vietnamese
    VIET 1A和VIET 1B可用于GE学分(区域C2). VIET 1A将于 秋季和VIET 1B将分别在春季提供. VIET 1B requires the 等效的VIET 1A或教员同意. For advising contact huyen.le@mindique.net.